August 20, 2008

BUGS (this one's for you Kristen)

Every year I think we are going to escape the bug infestation and then August hits.  Every night, we have to leave on one light, spray bug killer and then run into our rooms and shut the doors and hope they'll all be dead by morning.  This is what I wake up to every morning....(no, it's not going to be some hideous picture of Spence :)

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Here's the collection from under the light in our entry way after one night.

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I'm really not trying to show off this fabulous light fixture.  Some of the bugs don't make it to the floor, they die up there waiting to fall on some unsuspecting person.

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Sometimes we capture and make pets of the bugs.  You should see this wolf spider attack when we feed's viscous.

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Here's an egg sack we decided to hatch.  All of those specks are dead baby spiders after we forgot to feed them.

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And this shadow is for you Kris.  You may recognize it as one of our most beloved insects.  If you've ever had one of these crawl across your bare foot in the dark (which both Kristen and I have) you'll get a little sick to your stomach just looking at these pictures.

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OK so I can't promise this will be the last time I will post photos of insects, but I'll try to control myself.  I can't keep pretending to catch all of these bugs for my kids...someday they'll grow up and move away and then what will be my excuse?


Steph said...

Okay--that gave me the complete creeps! Good thing they don't freak you out!

Tracey said...

My kids would be so excited. You have some amazing bugs.