May 7, 2011


Spence and Hayes have started calling Ree Lolo because she walks around with her lips puckered saying “oh, oh”.  (see pictures below)  I don’t know if it’s a version of “ah-oh” or “oh-no” or both.  She is constantly cracking us up.  You would think that we had never seen a baby before by the way we all hang on her every sound and move.  She has been such a blast.  We really feel blessed to have a happy, healthy baby.

Sorry to drive you all nuts with so many pictures, but this little girl has a grandma and papa whom she has never met and pictures are all we’ve got!

05 03 11_1939

05 03 11_1938

05 03 11_1949

05 03 11_1951

05 03 11_1928

05 03 11_1934

05 06 11_1882

05 06 11_1880

05 06 11_1881

05 06 11_1893

05 06 11_1900

05 06 11_1905

05 06 11_1907

05 06 11_1908

No Ree medley would be complete without a couple of tongue shots.  This girl can do the craziest things with her tongue.

05 03 11_1952

05 06 11_1902


becky+cade said...

she is SO cute!!

Unknown said...

She is an absolute doll. It looks like she has that beautiful olive skin that tans so easily. ( Gifted with the tongue and loved by all) I love to see how crazy her brothers are about her. Thank you for all the great pictures. (and the wonderful videos for M.'s Day that I haven't gotten to respond to yet)