November 3, 2008

Obama says he will bankrupt the coal industry

I thought this might be an interesting video for the people of St. Johns to watch since so many are employed by SRP and TEP.  I was skeptical when I saw the headline, but if you watch this video through to the end, he lays out his "cap and trade" plan to tax and regulate the coal  industry until they are bankrupt. He actually says that , "if someone wants to build a coal-powered power plant, they can, it's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted."


Steph said...

I heard this on the radio this a.m. and thought how freaking nuts! I even talked to Morgan about it today. Obama scares the crap out of me! But then, so does McCain ...

Honey Girl said...

I SO totally agree with you! I don't like McCain, but Obama scares me more. I was dreading voting (ok, i still am, but I'm resigned to it) but Spence said something the other day that solidified my vote for McCain (as opposed to not voting for either one). He said, "He (McCain)can't be any worse than Bush." Sad isn't it? So I'm just going to cross my fingers and hope Spence is right. I wish there was a candidate in the two-party system that I could get behind. I don't feel that either of them represent me.