November 20, 2010

Goodbye Front Pack

I may have used the front pack for the last time.  When Ree was under 6 lbs, carrying her in the front pack felt like nothing.  Even at 7 and 8 lbs, she barely registered.  14 and 15lbs are starting to really hurt my shoulders and back.  I can’t seem to get her weight balanced quite right, so it always hurts on one side…which is terrible for my back.  I took a couple of pictures of her (in the mirror, sorry about the flash reflection) while she was in the other day and I’m afraid it may be the last we see of it.  A big thanks to Kris though for loaning it to me…it was a life saver.

11 06 10_0142_edited-1

11 06 10_0143


tricia said...

Look at those eyes. Are you sure she's not wearing contacts? What a doll.

ms said...

Kel I have had probably 4 people this week tell me she and Lucy look like sisters. Funny huh.