Edie Doubt invited us to go hiking with her at Lyman Lake since the government is claiming that they are going to close the gates to the park for good. Lyman has been one of our favorite hiking spots during homeschool.
We hiked a trail and checked out the petroglyphs...which I forgot to take pictures of.
Then we went out to Rattlesnake point to check out the dig and ended up having a rock skipping lesson. Hayes got a rock to skip six times by the end.
He also threw in as many large and heavy rocks as he could. Check out my action shots! :)
Thanks Edie for inviting us along.
What?!! When are they closing? Sounds like they are trying shut down a lot of things around here. I have "heard" they want to close the pool. I guess it is going to be discused at the city council (sp?) meeting tonight. I may have to go and put in my 2 cents. ???
Cool pics by the way...
I hadn't heard about the pool...I would have gone to the meeting. What did you find out??
They were supposed to close Lyman within the next two weeks, but the last I heard is that now they're not sure when or if. I'll let you know if I find out more.
I love the lyman lake trail! I'm going to take my parents there next week when they are in town. I hope the weather holds out!
Fun music!!
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