Could someone please buckle that child in.
Spence swears he doesn’t know how she got that way.
How many kids can sleep in their car seats sideward?
I thought it would be fun to highlight why we like to call it home...out here on the AZ "range"! :) Nicknames have [hardly] been used to protect privacy. I tried and failed.
Could someone please buckle that child in.
Spence swears he doesn’t know how she got that way.
How many kids can sleep in their car seats sideward?
I bought me a double jogging stroller so I would be able to go places with both Chase and Allie. Chase is too big for a jogging stroller of course, but I bought one that would at least keep his dangling legs from going into the front wheel. I got it a few weeks before I had the baby and had been taking Chase in it by himself….afraid that he would smash Allie or elbow her in the face. Around her one month birthday, I decided to venture out with both of them…and kept my fingers crossed. Just like with everything else to do with the baby and Chase, things went better than I expected. He stayed on his side fairly well, didn’t elbow her too much, and didn’t even squirt her with his squirt bottle. This is them on our second outing together. There was a little more “smooshing” of the baby, but nothing too damaging. I would say so far so good and we actually got out and got some exercise and watched Spence work his horses down at the round pen.
The giant baby and the baby.
I promise that’s water and not Spic n Span in his squirt bottle.
Oblivious to the heat, wind, and elbow abuse….what a good baby!
Spence has become quite the cutting horse trainer. He looks good in purple…too bad he shaved that crazy facial hair (not a fan of the mustache).
Just plug your children’s ears because the language aimed at the cows (and the dogs who sneak into the pen) gets a little colorful.
Spanky making a quick move.
Holding the cow.
Time to go since the whole walk home is into the wind and it has now picked up to about 30mph…yuck!
The time of day before sunset is my favorite time of day (besides early morning). The sun casts the best shadows and golden hues…it seems magical and beautiful. Spence needed to take pictures of some of the young horses the other day for their AQHA registration, so we stopped in the field below our house. While we were waiting, Chase and I spotted a big blow snake crossing the road up ahead of us. I had to get a shot of it of course…I’m sick that way.
I also took of few of the horses basking in the golden light.
I got one of my golden boy, too!
I was up early one morning feeding the baby and went in to check on the boys and found them like this. Hayes must be practicing his mixed martial arts moves in his sleep.
I love Hayes’s grass-stained feet.
I remember spending all summer in bare feet as a kid. It took a little while to “toughen them up”, but it was so convenient not to need shoes!
I’ve been a horrible blogger since I got to about my 6th month of pregnancy…I guess I was too busy eating and resting my feet!! :) But since my little sis is threatening me and my poor Platt parents have no other way to keep track of us, I’m going to make it a priority again…or at least try. Here’s a couple of shots I took of Allie Marie today. She is a month old now and growing fast. While I was taking these pics of her sleeping. she was kind of in and out of “consciousness” and was making this funny little sound like big bird “eh eh eh eh eh”. Hayes’s favorite sound she makes in when her pacifier is in her mouth and she sucks it in an out and goes “rehr rehr rehr rehr”. (I’m sure you can all decode my depictions of the sounds and know exactly what I’m talking about!!! Maybe I’ll have to try to get it on video :)
Snoozin’ in the swing.
Gotta live the spit bubbles! Spence has been asking me about the red mark beneath her nose since she was born so I finally asked the doctor. He said it’s just a little birth mark or stork bite that will fade with time.