Every once in a while I have to do an “I Love You Arizona” post because I truly enjoy the lazy clouds in a wide open sky. I don’t know if I could ever leave the West. I could trade the wind and lack of rain for light breezes and more monsoons, but I’m an Arizonan through and through.
There were some new calves in the pen that day and Chase went in for a closer look. I think the calf’s idea of close was a little closer than Chase expected. Right after I took this shot of the calf “nuzzling” Chase, it gave him a good head-butt right to the stomach and knocked him to the ground. Luckily Chase is very durable… I think he has calluses on his behind! (I love the look on his face…I think he knows what is coming)
Checking on the baby horses.
Can you guess what he’s looking at?
Just a friendly little tarantula Spence and the guys found while running the calves through the chute. No I didn’t pick it up. Neither did any of them.
Chase loves JC’s dog Bailey. She always gives him a big kiss through the bars of the horse trailer.
Now it’s Spence doing the the kissing…is he kissing at the cows? Maybe the dogs…I think I’ve actually seen him do that. :) Can you say sunburned lips?!?
I had to save this one for last. The first time I looked at these pics, I dismissed this one as one to delete. Upon further inspection and my memory coming back to me, I realized Chase was doing a wonderful impression of the horse behind him. Sorry about all of the spit.
That’s all folks!